Circular Brewing

— repurposing recycled, colored and mixed glass


— length & type

9 weeks
Industrial Design
Service Design
Design for Sustainability

— role

Industrial Designer

— team

18 designers across Advertising, Architecture, Industrial, Service, Motion and Sustainable Design


— context + problem to solve

HEINEKEN is known as a sustainable company in Europe, where legislation sets forth anti-landfill policies that make recycling much more profitable. However, there is a discrepancy between HEINEKEN's brand perception in the North American and European markets. How waste is handled in North America and in Europe is drastically different, ultimately impacting consumer brand reception worldwide. HEINEKEN sought to inject a circular economy around their brewing practices in North America while solving for social and environmental challenges. 

The team utilized a holistic thinking based approach to deliver a system of innovative design concepts to generate a new purpose for recycled, colored, and mixed glass while solving fundamental urban infrastructure needs and challenges.

How might we unleash the unmet potential of glass by devising a set of sustainable, human-centered, and financially viable solutions for recycled, colored, mixed glass in cities?


— concept

When glass breaks, it does not break down. What if this flaw is converted from a liability into an opportunity? 

We envisioned a system in which a second life for glass material can exist on a micro, macro and meta scale beginning with products on a personal use level and converging together as use in community spaces. In order to address these environmental issues, we developed our solutions in two directions that focus on two primary elements: air and water. 


Clean Water


To address issues of disaster relief, to build resiliency and eco-literacy, we crafted a system focused on water filtration powered by recycled glass in a bid to offer users a cooler, oxygen-rich, flora-filled environment. 

Blossom - a self-watering planter pod and water filter that harnesses atmospheric moisture (see image)

Spring - as a sibling to Blossom, a solar still that harnesses excess water in moments of disaster through a buy-one, give-one program

Oasis - an eco-pocket park that operates on a larger scale utilizing the same principles as Blossom

Processed with VSCO with a2 preset

Clean Air


To address the rising concerns of threatened air quality in cities of today and the future, we crafted a suite of products repurposing green glass as recycled fiberglass air filters to clear seasonal allergens, transportation smog, and dust in the home, our communities, and cities. 

Scroll - a new, efficient recyled fiberglass air filter for the home

Ponder & Levee - located anywhere in a community, urban furniture sourced from recycled glass with Scroll's air filtering system (see image)


Clean Air & Water: Sanctuary


To provide oxygen-rich moments, increase eco-literacy, and store stories, we curated spaces serving as collection centers for glass material and the memories of people.

Sanctuary - a space that uses glass as entrance currency to unlock unqiue experiences for those who wish to share and track legendary lives through storytelling (see image)

By embedding Oasis, Ponder, and Levee into the spaces in and around Sanctuary's site, we offer visitors access to clean air, water and feed flora around the grounds. 

Processed with VSCO with fp8 preset

— Given the nature of this project, further insights and design process can only be revealed in an interview setting.

Architectural renderings by Alexis X.A. Roberts.

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