1, 2, 3... Hit Play

— recording your voice with music all in one place


— length & type

3 months
End-to-end Design
Interaction Design

— role

Lead Product Designer

— team

1 Product Manager, 2 Video Engineers, 2 Full Stack Engineers, 1 Product Marketer, 2 Customer Success Advisors


— context + problem to solve

Video is a powerful storytelling channel. Users of all segments came to Animoto to tell a story with different moods and tones through videos. In order to achieve this, users wanted to play different audio in their videos. Unfortunately and historically, the functionality for multiple songs required a tremendous engineering lift at Animoto that forced the team to carry on without it for years.

Paying Animoto users were abandoning the product upon realizing Animoto did not offer the expected functionality of multiple songs playing per single video.

— customer insights

“This is a memorial for my father to be shared at this funeral service. The reason for using multiple songs is to support different feelings within the slideshow. The ability to use portions of different music aids in the presentation.”

The Customer Success team received over 100 monthly feature requests for multiple songs and processed over $230K in refunds over the span of 4 years. Feedback came in from all Animoto users segments: consumers, small and medium businesses, very small businesses and educational creators. For 5 years, multiple songs was Animoto's #1 most requested feature. 


How might we empower users to be compelling storytellers through audio?


As an Animoto user, I want and expect to apply multiple audio tracks to a single video.


Want more audio? Get more audio

— concept

Users will be able to apply and/or upload up to 8 songs and up to 4 voice-overs in a single video as well as rearrange, trim and loop audio tracks.

Incorporating music into videos can improve the overall impact and emotional connection of any video. And with up to four voice-overs and eight song tracks, users can match every mood throughout your video. Whether they're aiming to inspire action in their audience or evoke a specific emotion, all they need is the right audio.

Demo Video


— learnings + outcomes

We launched the feature in June 2023 and saw an increase of 80% in product usage with over 1,000 videos created with multiple audio within the first week of release. Out of all videos created in Animoto, videos with multiple audio had a higher finalization rate of 30% indicating the high value add of this functionality. We decreased the monthly user requests to the Customer Success team down to 0. 

As a quick follow-up, we sent users a 30-day post-release survey to gauge customer feedback and reception. Additionally, we released a new improvement in the spacing layout of the timeline with an added collapsable state to increase the real estate and make interactions more accessible. 

Visit Animoto blog to learn more.

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— Given the nature of this project, further insights and design process can only be revealed in an interview setting. 

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